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Shakspere for America Manuscript

  • Whitman Archive Title: Shakspere for America Manuscript
  • Whitman Archive ID: fol.00006
  • Repository ID: Y.d.1035
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in Folger Shakespeare Library
  • Repository Title: Shakspere for America [manuscript], 1890
  • Date: September 1890
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: A portion of a letter sent by Whitman to the editors of Poet-Lore in September 1890. The second half of the letter is now held at Duke University. The majority of the letter was reprinted, nearly verbatim, under the title "Shakespeare for America," in the September 1890 issue of Poet-Lore , and was a response to a piece entitled "Walt Whitman's View of Shakespeare," by Jonathan Trumbull, which appeared in the July issue. With a slightly altered title, "Shakspere for America" was later reprinted in The Critic on 27 September 1890, as well as in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891) and Complete Prose Works (1892).

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