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And I say the stars


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  [begin leaf 1 recto] [cut away] What Nothing postpones puts off or waits, except man I am the Poet of Reality; And I say this ^the earth ^globe world is not an ^ earth and the stars are not echo,s And Nor I say that And I say that man is not ^space is not an apparition; But that all the things seen or demonstrated are so; Witnesses and albic dawns of things equally great, 
  not yet seen.—
I am announce myself the Poet of Reality; Materialisms: and exact demonstration and Positive science Reality is eternal; say that It is just ^Materials are just as eternal as Growth [illegible] growth, the semen 
  of God, that swims the entire universe. creation.—
Hurrah for Material Positive Science! Positive Science! Bring honey‑clover and branches of lilac! These are the ^serene Philosophers of Nature,; Every one admirable and serene, Travelling, the earth sailing, measuring space, Botanizing, dissecting, or making machines.—   [begin leaf 1 verso]
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