Tis a long time since I have heard from any of you—but I suppose all goes about
the same as ever. I suppose you have had all sorts of newspaper rumors in regard to the
yellow fever in St Louis1—but the truth is that the
stories are nearly entirely fabrications Altogether
there has been, probably, some 35 to 40 deaths by yellow fever during the
season—out of this number some 6 or 8 were St Louis people who had been in some
capacity about those that had come from the South—or had been connected with the
hospital boat that carries the sick people from the city to the fever hospital. I have
no doubt but that had the weather continued warm for a couple or three weeks longer we
should have had quite a touch
of the trouble. From what I can observe I judge the spread
of this disease is simply a question of time That it
always commences in the south (so far as the West is concerned at any rate) is a
fact—that it will progress with quite a certain rate of travel—now if the
time between its first breaking out and where it meets a heavy frost is long enough I do
not see why it should not spread to the lakes. This season it broke out in New Orleans
abt 6 weeks earlier than usual—we have had rather a backward season as regards
frost and cool weather—the disease was quite bad within abt 150 miles of
us—I think more favorable conditions would undoubtedly have produced it
here—Steamboats seem to be the home of the disease—let one of them be in the
locality when the sickness is bad and it is pretty sure death to have anything to do
with it—this does not seem to be the case with R. R. cars—Another thing
seems sure and that is that with proper sanitary laws—with good energetic health
officers—no city that is kept decently clean but what can stamp out the disease by
taking prompt action
I do not know that you are interested in all this, but I have been pretty well exercised about the matter, knowing that if it did come here I should have to stop and face the music no matter how bad it became—We have had several cool nights—and to-day the weather is what might be called cold—I think we will have a decided show of ice to-night—and so the question of fever for this season is certainly disposed of.
I am getting on reasonably well have pretty good health—indeed just now it is extremely good—at one time—near the latter part of July I got poisened by the bad air of the numerous sewers, bone boiling and fat rendering establishments that I had to visit2 and was badly off for a couple of weeks—and indeed did not feel well until we had a "cold wave" about two weeks ago—since that time I have felt the very best—and too my work has let up very much
How are you all getting on How is George and Lou and Ed and yourself—I hope you continue to gain—I judge from what Hattie writes that you made quite headway this last summer I hope so and am very glad. What is new with you are you doing anything in the way of books—I dont see anything in the papers3—but then the papers I see would not be apt to say much anyhow—except in a mean way. Has George got through his foundry work—and if so I suppose is mostly on his farm4—Will you make a winter trip to your New York friends if so you must call and see Worthen5 I have just had a letter from Hattie in which I learn that she is a little sick—has been laid off from study—I hope she is not sick to any extent—indeed I sincerely hope she is all right now—I have just written her to-night to let the study go and get well as quick as she can—I hope to hear in a day or two that she is all well again
Give my love to all—write me when you feel like it and give me all the news.—