Please accept my lasting acknowledgement for the copy of "November Boughs"2 so kindly sent me through the persuasion of our friend Mr Harned.3
This expression of your goodness I did not expect nor deserve. I sought only thro' Tom Harned a line from your hand to place in my copy of 'Leaves of Grass.'
Tis many a year ago that I learned to love your noble, honest robust nature, and the immortal lines that flowed from your virile loc.01094.002_large.jpg and vigorous pen.
Your poetry above all others is stamped with intense sincerity and rugged beauty and I love it for its entire absence of pretence , cant affectation and hypocrisy.
If you ever come my way I know a place hard by, where a bottle of the reddest Burgundy may be found that will dispel the November chill of age and make our hearts as joyous and generous as its own ruddy hue.
I am my dear Mr Whitman Gratefully & faithfully yours Jerome Buck For Walt Whitman Esquire Camden NJ loc.01094.003_large.jpg See notes Oct. 17th '88 also 18th loc.01094.004_large.jpgCorrespondent:
Jerome Buck (1835–1900) was a
lawyer and writer in New York City. He was born in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and
he studied law under his mother's second husband, John Titus Esquire. After
being admitted to the bar, Buck moved to New York, setting up his law offices in
Broadway. Buck was also fond of reading and writing poetry. For more information
on Buck, see William W. H. Davis, History of Bucks County
Pennsylvania, 2 vols. (New York: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1905),