I recd a beautiful Volume of your writings for which I return many thanks and shall preserve it as a choise present in remembrance of your Frendship and Good Will.
Very Respectfully &c F. Bourquin loc.01098.002_large.jpgCorrespondent:
Frederick Bourquin
(1808–1897) was a Swiss-born lithographer and Whitman's neighbor on
Mickle Street in Camden, New Jersey. Bourquin immigrated to the United
States with his brother Charles in 1817 and became a citizen in 1834. In
1847, he was awarded a prize from the Franklin Institute for improvements to
lithography, and two years later he introduced the zincographic printing
process to America. Bourquin developed the anastatic printing process with
John Jay Smith, father of Whitman's acquaintance, Robert Pearsall Smith.
Described as a "Democrat of the Jacksonian type," Bourquin served on
Camden's City Council and in the New Jersey Legislature ("Frederick Bourquin
Dead," Philadelphia Inquirer [May 26, 1897], 2). For
more information, see Paul W. Schopp, "Camden and Mickle Street: A Cultural
History," Mickle Street Review no. 14 (Summer