I am preparing a series of lectures upon some few of our living poets, & intend
including one upon your own life work. I want to quote in full "Beat! Beat! Drums!"
"Poets to come," "When loc.01217.002_large.jpg I heard at the close of the day," & "Give me the splendid
silent sun," as well as several short extracts from various poems.1 I am anxious to
know whether you will generously consent to my using in full the poems named.
One more request I wish to profer. May I loc.01217.003_large.jpg hope for the honor of being
permitted to dedicate my little volume of essays to yourself, in sincere &
earnest recognition of the gratitude of one who owes more than he can well express
to the teaching to & inspiration of your poems. Of course I would thankfully submit the
loc.01217.004_large.jpg book & terms
of dedication to you before allowing it to see the light. But that could not be
until the Fall.
Forgive my intruding upon your privacy, — believe me, with much respect,
Sincerely Yours Oswald Cave To: Walt WhitmanCorrespondent:
As yet we have no information about
this correspondent.