I receive your letter on Saturday and was glad to hear from you and that you are well and enjoying you self I am as well as ever but I feel very uneasy at times because I am doing nothing I have not done any thing scince Jan 1st every thing is very dull here at presant The weather is warm and pleasant here for this time of the
year We did not have a very great time on Washington birth day here a reg. or two of Soldiers turned out in a parade was all that I see in this great City I should like very much to come to Washinton and see you but as long as I know that you are well and enjoying your self I will try to content my self It rained all day here yesterday and I did not go out any whare I feel very greatful to you that you should take so much interist in me it makes
me think of my father all though if we think of our dear heavenly Fathe he will guide and direct us in all our ways and we ought to be very thankful to him for our good health he is such a good Father to us so good by for the presant my Dear good Father
P.S. I would come out there on a visit but can not aford it just now so good by