You will see by the enclosed card that I have returned to the Internal Revenue service. I regretted to leave Los Angeles and the practice of law, but times got very hard there, and although I had some important cases and good fees on prospect I was unable to realize the cash proceeds; so I applied and got my present position—same that I held before.—I hope to resume practice in this state, some time in the future, when I have paid my debts and saved a little money.—I am now a citizen of California and hope to always remain such. I should not be contented to settle down in the East, again, I think.—
The death of William O'Connor2 though long anticipated, was a great shock when the news came.—What a wealth of intellectual enthusiasm and power was there extinguished, if it could be so:3 but I don't believe he or any of us can go out like a childs carlacue in the night.4 I have faith to believe that we shall all meet again on the other side of Jordan, & if we can only have such good times as we had of yore in Washington loc.02028.002_large.jpg I shall be content. My mother is still living in Boston at the age of 75, well and hearty. Thank God—I have not seen her for two years, and more
I read with much emotion in the Philadelphia & Camden papers the account of your Seventieth Birthday dinner.5 I was especially touched by John Burroughs6 letter.—I am indebted to you for many papers—Always glad to get them.—Address me until further notice simply Internal Revenue Agent. San Francisco. Cal. I hope you are fairly comfortable—God bless you my old and long tried friend—
"With fond affection and recollection— Ever yours Charles W. EldridgeCorrespondent:
Charles W. Eldridge (1837–1903) was one half
of the Boston-based abolitionist publishing firm Thayer and Eldridge, who issued
the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass. In December 1862, on
his way to find his injured brother George in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Whitman
stopped in Washington and encountered Eldridge, who had become a clerk in the
office of the army paymaster, Major Lyman Hapgood. Eldridge helped Whitman gain employment in Hapgood's office.
For more on Whitman's relationship with
Thayer and Eldridge, see David Breckenridge Donlon, "Thayer, William Wilde (1829–1896) and Charles W. Eldridge
(1837–1903)," Walt Whitman: An
Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1998).