Allow me to ask, could we secure your sevices to give a Reading part of an evening at
Chickering Hall for the benefit of our Society & what would be the remunerative required?
If you have any preferences as to Month, please state it.1
(at Chickering Hall)
Mary A. Fisher (1839–1920)
was the founder of the Home-Hotel Association, which was incorporated in 1888.
The Association's aim was to assist needy authors, artists, professionals and
other "brain-workers." Fisher is requesting Whitman to read at a benefit for
this Association. The address of 71 Java Street was the Association's temporary
address until the group moved to permanent rooms on St. Ann's Avenue in the
Bronx. The Association quickly outgrew those rooms and relocated to Tenafly, New
Jersey, in 1899. For more on Fisher and the Home-Hotel Association, see Fisher's
book, The Story of the Mary A Fisher Home (New York: The
Shakespeare Press, 1915).