How the thousands of us—enjoyed last night.1 I have a copy of the first edition of your poems upon a fly leaf of which I want you to write in certification of the fact that it is a first edition.
I cannot expect you to do me this service gratuitously—and I will be glad to
pay you $10 for your kindness loc.03145.002_large.jpg in the matter or more indeed if you do not consider that sum
adequate compensation.—
I beg th. you will respond affirmatively and am
With great respect: Jahu DeWitt Miller Walt WhitmanI could come over almost any day.—
Jahu Dewitt Miller
(1857–1911) was a Methodist minister, educator, lecturer, and collector of
rare books. In 1901, a special facility to house his large collection was built
at National Park Seminary, a girl's school in Forest Glen, Maryland. The Miller
Library was later auctioned off when the school closed, and the United States
Army converted the campus into a medical facility. Syracuse University currently
houses the Dewitt Miller Correspondence, a collection of thirty letters written
between 1881 and 1907. For more information, see Leon H. Vincent, Dewitt Miller, A Biographical Sketch (Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Riverside Press, 1912).