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James Knowles to Walt Whitman, [18 August 1885]


With Mr James Knowles's compliments & best thanks

Rec'd Aug 29 1885 enclosing draft for £30 for "Fancies at Navesink" pub. in Aug. Number of Nineteenth Century  loc.03199.002_large.jpg  loc.03199.003_large.jpg  loc.03199.004_large.jpg  loc.03200.001_large.jpg from James Knowles enclosing pay for poem  loc.03200.002_large.jpg

James Thomas Knowles (1831–1908) was the editor of The Nineteenth Century, a leading British monthly magazine, in which "Fancies at Navesink" was published on August 18, 1885. He was also an architect and the founder of the Metaphysical Society, dedicated to discovering common ground between science and religion.


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Walt Whitman Esqre | 328 Mickle Street | Camden | New Jersey | U.S.A. It is postmarked: LONDON-S.W | [illegible] | AU 18 | 85; [illegible] | K | ALL; NEW YORK | AUG | 18; CAMDEN, N.J. | AUG | 28 | 4 PM | 1885 | REC'D. The initials "J.T.K." are in lower lefthand corner of envelope. [back]
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