I desire to acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of two vols. of your works—"Leaves of Grass" & "Specimen Days".
And, now, will you be kind enough to send me one more set, for a lady, to whom I have just shewn my set. I enclose a P.O. order for 15/– in payment for her. Kindly address the parcel as follows— loc.03219.002.jpg loc.03219.003.jpg To Mrs.(General) Faber, c/o Miss Langley, 39 London Street, Reading England
Have you any other volumes published, beside the two which I have, today, received? If so, kindly let me know titles & price.—
With compliments, & every good wish for your welfare—
I am, dear sir, yours faithfully E. Langley books sent loc.03219.004.jpgCorrespondent:
Eliza Langley (?–1897) was
the proprietress of a well-known bookselling, library, and stationery
establishment on London Street in Reading. After serving as a manageress to
George Lovejoy, the former owner of the business, she purchased it from his
trustees in 1884 and acted as proprietress until her death in December 1897. She
was the daughter of George Langley, a paper-maker for Ford Mills, in Kent
("Obituary" [for Miss Langley], The Bookseller No. 482
[January 13, 1898]: 16).