Your paper with prospectus rec'd & enclosed find P.O. money order for Ten Dollars for your complete works to date
You can send them by mail or express as we have Express Co's here & you can get the rates at your place1
Money order from loc.03257.002.jpg
loc.03257.003.jpgPetrolia Pa office
Hoping you may sell many copies I remain
Yours Truly B. G. MorrisonDirect to B. G. Morrison Karns City Butler Co Penna
The writer of this letter
was probably Byron Gordon Morrison (1835–1920). Morrison was a native of Warren
County, Pennsylvania, who lived in New York in the early 1870s and worked as a
dealer in real estate. According to the 1880 United States Federal Census,
Morrison had moved back to Pennsylvania with his wife Phebe Tripp Sherman
Morrison (1838–1912) and their four children. His occupation is listed as
"oil operator."