I cannot ask of one whom I admire so much the favor below stated without enclosing some compensation, which, if you cannot accept you may use for "sweet charity's sake" in any manner your dear heart prompts.
I go straight to my subject. Do not call me an autograph fiend. I do not approach you in a roundabout way but simply ask if you will, kindly, at your leisure, write me out on good paper, one side only, so that I may frame it with your portrait for my library walls, what you consider one of your best shorter poems, and kindly sign and date. Is this asking too much?
Very Respectfully yours, Geo. R. MorseCorrespondent:
Little is known about George
R. Morse. He served as the secretary and treasurer of the Iowa Central Railway
Company, and held the same title as part of the Reorganization Committee for the
Railway Company.