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William F. Rean to Walt Whitman, 31 December 1890

 loc.03576.001_large.jpg Dr. Brother. & Sir.

Upon the threshold of another year I stand without the gate, knocking; pray let me in, for I, a pilgrim, Heavenward bound, a Counsellor need. Young, without friends, such as 'I' love, daily do toil at the great task, that task which  loc.03576.002_large.jpg Thou didst learn—the Case and type and for me—what emblems of this cruel world! Yet stay, I come—in spirit come—to tell thee that I love thee, having learn'd thy life. God grant thee many a year and passing hence may Thou and I, joined soul and soul, know Heaven and God and Love and  loc.03576.003_large.jpg Peace which now I know dwelt never here to stay.

Believe me, Yours affectionately, W. F. Rean.  loc.03576.004_large.jpg

William Frederick Smith Kingcombe Rean (1862–1932) was an English Socialist, newspaperman, and poet. He was born in Plymouth, England, one of four children to John Rean (1838–1886) and Mary Ann Kingcombe (1839–1919). The 1881 English census indicates that Rean was already working as a printer at age eighteen, and subsequent censuses show that he remained a typographer and compositor throughout his life. During his time as an editor at papers including the West Ham Citizen and the Western Morning News, he was active in socialist circles and wrote on various social causes. After his death, his poems that originally appeared in newspapers were collected in Selections from the Poems of W. F. K. Rean (London : Twentieth Century Press, 1932).

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