Nothing special to write about—yet I tho't I would send you a line—I suppose they are all over there in London, having good times—the baby included—dear baby! henceforth not the least among the objects of our interest—
—Showery here to-day—I tho't of getting out with my horse & rig for a drive—but this prevents—I am still tied to the house & chair—a bad spell the last ten days—heat—but much less bad yesterday & to-day—Mr Morse1 still here sculping me & H Gilchrist2 with the portrait—both please me.
—I have born two little poems3—which you will see in due time. It is middle of afternoon—have had five of the N Y and Phila. Sunday papers, reading all day—also looking out of the window—the mocking bird over the way is singing gay & fast—God bless you Logan boy—
Walt Whitman loc_jc.00128_large.jpg Logan Pearsall Smith.Correspondent:
Logan Pearsall Smith
(1865–1946) was an essayist and literary critic. He was the son of Robert
Pearsall Smith, a minister and writer who befriended Whitman, and he was the
brother of Mary Whitall Smith Costelloe, one of Whitman's most avid followers.
For more information on Logan, see Christina Davey, "Smith, Logan Pearsall (1865–1946)," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998).