Being a professed Associationist I am allowed the liberty of following my
attractions, when they are, what all the world will say, harmless, even in despite
of common etiquette which would demand a longer delay before answering your good
letter of the 20th. Hector1 wished me to leave it with
him for a few days and so 'tis not before me or I might take up the several points
of interest in order, but no matter I feel like writing to you, and the order may
come some other time, I cannot help feeling a little gratified at finding that I am
not so different from other thinking people, in that I am disposed to think some bad
things of myself, we ought not to be partial to ourselves, ought we? in your case
however I must say that I think your judgment of yourself is rather severe, I have
not changed my opinion, which I gave you when speaking of the false report of
Emmersons2 fastidiousness loc_vm.00692_large.jpg that if he or any one else expected
common etiquette from you, after having read Leaves of
Grass they were sadly mistaken in your character where etiquette, or what is called refined and exquisite taste predominate. I never expect to find much originality of character, however
this is rather an implication where I did not intend it I will have none of it, but
try to be myself
I entirely coincide with you in what will be the result of greater experience on the part of the exponents of the two views of matter & spirit as to the priority of either. I find them always coexisting, and do not intend to trouble myself for any other solution, I only ask to use in refference to each, the terms that will convey my ideas to the minds of others as truely as I am capable of conveying them. I do think that the greater part of the difficulties that exist among men on all most all theological and phylosophical subjects arise from the different modes of expressing the same ideas.
I am glad you have been to see Mrs W. I felt the same sympathy for her, her life
is not exactly in accordance with her highest views of humanity loc_vm.00693_large.jpg hence the unhappyness , but
she will ultimately be the better woman for the experience, do any of
us live up to our highest sense of human privileges? I supose you come nearer to it, than anyone I know but I doubt the propriety of
entire disenthralment blind instinct must govern where it is the
governing faculty, but in man reason predominates & must govern, no matter what
mere instinct proposes as a means of happiness. if the great family is not ready to
go with the idea, we must yield to their needs, we can not, ought not, live
You have made my heart rejoice by telling me of the breadth of the Revd Mr Porter,3 is it? (I have not the letter here) verily us, would be
progretionists are put on the back ground by some who have been by them pronounces
pharasees and hypocrates, Were you not pleased with Mr Bellows'4 views of the Drama? I find in myself a propensity to
feel and to say, (and why should I not say it?) Thank God for the great influx of
light, love, joy, and beauty which is every where manifest. I can not help comparing
the present with past earas of cruelty and carnage. When men dare not express a thought outside the
Church inclosure. I am not blaming the good people who inflicted the tortures, if
they thought they were sending a brother to Heaven thereby— loc_vm.00694_large.jpg I am only
rejoicing that the race is so expanded that each now (in this glorious land of the seting sun at least) dare to speak for himself taking only for his bound, the
best interests of Man as he is, and not the dogmas of any set of men only see how I
am running on, as if I were writing to school boy who had never thought all these
childish things. but you will forgive me since 'tis myself, and I will try to do
There was one expression in your letter, which I hope you will allow me to refer too, in good faith. You say that Fowler & Wells5 are not the right men to publish Leaves of Grass. I am sure they are not, I can tell you more of their malpractice about it, when you come. You say also that they are willing to give up the plates, now it occured to me that it was quite possible that some trifeling money consideration prevented you from obtaining them, and although I have now but little money at my command I thought I would take the liberty of saying to you that if the small sum of Fifty Dollars would be of any use to you for the purpose I should be most happy to send that amount to you. I feel that I shall be understood and therefore make no apology.
A young friend of mine Miss Matty Griffith6 a native of Kentucky author of Autobiography of a Female Slave, and an excellent & lovely woman had her book published by I think Redfield7 & he also has I understand treated her very meanly although he knows she is poor, and is suffering
Sarah Thorn
Tyndale (1792–1859) was an abolitionist from Philadelphia who met Walt
Whitman during Amos Bronson Alcott and Henry David Thoreau's visit to the Whitman home in November 1856.
For more information on Tyndale, see "Tyndale, Sarah Thorn [1792–1859]," Walt Whitman: An
Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1998).