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Henry Tyrrell to Walt Whitman, 31 May [1884]

 loc_vm.00701_large.jpg Dearest Walt:

One more Manhattanese sends loving remembrances on this your festival day.1

I wish I were within hand-clasping distance; but if all your friends were to come at once, Camden could not contain the multitude.

May you flourish like your own green "Leaves".

Henry Tyrrell.  loc_vm.00702_large.jpg  loc_vm.00703_large.jpg  loc_vm.00704_large.jpg

Henry Tyrrell was a journalist, poet, and historian from New York, and apparently associated with Frank Leslie's Publishing House. Tyrrell published in some of the same venues as Whitman (such as The Cosmopolitan and The Century) and was a fellow member in the American Copyright League.


  • 1. It was Whitman's 65th birthday. [back]
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