I think you will be able to recognise both the portrait and the handwriting on page 163 of the new number of the REVIEW OF REVIEWS2 which I forward you herewith.3 Many thanks to you for your kindness. Pray remember that I shall always be glad to hear from you and to see anything from your pen.
I am, Yours truly, W T SteadCorrespondent:
William Thomas Stead
(1849–1912) was a well-known English journalist and editor of The Pall Mall Gazette in the 1880s. He was a proponent of
what he called "government by journalism" and advocated for a strong press that
would influence public opinion and affect government decision-making. His
investigative reports were much discussed and often had significant social
impact. He has sometimes been credited with inventing what came to be called
"tabloid journalism," since he worked to make newspapers more attractive to
readers, incorporating maps, illustrations, interviews, and eye-catching
headlines. He died on the Titanic when it sank in