Your postal recd and I was glad that you had accepted my small offering, I was almost afraid to send it thinking it might offend you, and since receiving it, it has occurred to me that perhaps you might have some matter of published manuscript (say parts of Specimen Days) that you would be willing to dispose of and I would be glad to purchase. If so let me know what, and for how much1
By so doing you will oblige
Yours G M Williamson Mr Walt WhitmanCorrespondent:
George M. Williamson (b. 1850) was
a New York book collector who contacted Whitman several times about purchasing
manuscripts, and later published Catalogue of A Collection of
Books, Letters, and Manuscripts written by Walt Whitman, in the Library of
George M. Williamson, Grand View on Hudson (New York: The Marion Press,
1903). Other items in Williamson's collection, which was sold at auction in
1908, included George Washington's copy of Don Quixote, a
presentation copy of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Evangeline," Nathaniel
Hawthorne's annotated copy of The Scarlet Letter, and "a
very remarkable collection of Walt Whitman's works" (The
George M. Williamson Collection [Anderson Galleries, Inc.,