I went round last evening to call on Mrs Rogers,1 & thought perhaps I might find you there, but the house was shut up & nobody home—the lady opposite told me Mrs R was down to Bridgeton to her brother's—told me Jane was up Thursday or Friday to get some things—Jane said Mrs R was getting along pretty well, & w'd be home in Camden very shortly.
—And how are you? & how's all? (as they say down south) I got a long nice
letter from Harry yesterday—he is well & hearty & seems to be having
good times—I shall write to him to-day—Well the work on my new book "Specimen
Days" is finished, & I feel as if a troublesome job was off my hands
The enclosed adv't will give you some idea of it2—a great part of it was written
down at the pond, the first three summers '76, '77 and '78 I was down there at your house—We could not get my
brother Eddy boarded at the place I wish'd —he is out temporarily at a place a
few miles from Philadelphia—
(While I am writing this it is a very pleasant quiet Sunday—as I sit here by my open window, a lady nearly opposite is playing on the piano and singing some good old hymns—"Old Hundred" and such—Keeps it up a long while—sounds first rate.)—
I am well as usual—Keep about on the same old round here day after day—read or write two or three hours, & then go out & over the ferry to Philadelphia—I don't know what I should do without the ferry, & river, & crossing, day & night—I believe my best times are nights—sometimes appear to have the river & boat all to myself—