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Lavinia F. Whitman to Walt Whitman, 20 December [1891]

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My dear friend, much do I regret to hear of your increased illness—yet, let us hope for the best—we cannot think of loosing​ you—

With great regard Lavinia F. Whitman  loc_vm.01287_large.jpg  loc_vm.01288_large.jpg  loc_vm.01289_large.jpg  loc_vm.02156_large.jpg  loc_vm.02157_large.jpg

Lavinia Fanning Watson Whitman (1818–1900) was the eldest daughter of John Fanning Watson—author of Annals of Philadelphia (1830) and a well known historian of Philadelphia and New York City—and his wife Phebe Barron Crowell. In 1846, Lavinia became the first woman to sponsor a United States Navy ship when she christened the sloop-of-war, the USS Germantown, in Philadelphia. She married Harrison Gray Otis Whitman, a son of Maine Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ezekial Whitman.


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Walt Whitman Esq | Camden | N.J. It is postmarked: Philadelphia, P.A. | Dec 21 | 7PM | 91 | Camden, N.J. | DEC22 | 6 AM | 91 | Rec'd. [back]
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