More than a year ago we first read your poems & since then they have done so much for us that we now write wishing to express our reverence & gratitude. We are Australian & feel that in Australia a loc_vm.01693_large.jpg people are growing up who will help to give shape to the thought of Democracy—a people in sympathy with the aim & tendency of America—& so we want to thank you for having shown us what modern life can & ought to be—for we loc_vm.01694_large.jpg recognise your poems as prophecies of the grander future & the greater religion that is to be. In a new land like Australia—where the young life is free & rigorous—we believe that your message will be sooner accepted than among the old-world nations & that a day will come when you will receive not our thanks only but our whole country's.
Nothing is known about the correspondent or
correspondents other than that they are an Australian admirer or admirers of
Whitman's poems.