I have delayed sending you the enclosed check until now, thinking I would have been over myself to see you, but as I may be delayed on account of the unusual press of business, I herein send check for $50.00 in sentiment for the autobiography and for the poem. Please find enclosed proofs of a page of poetry which please return after you have examined it
I will send or bring the proof of the autobiography, in a few days, in the meantime, if you see Mr. Traubel,1 will you tell him to please hurry up with his part of the work.
With all good wished for your good health and prosperity for the New Year,
Yours truly, J. M. StoddartAll of these are to go in the March number.2
It is to be call'd autobiographic, but is not an auto-bCorrespondent:
Joseph Marshall Stoddart
(1845–1921) published Stoddart's Encyclopaedia
America; established Stoddart's Review in 1880,
which was merged with The American in 1882; and became
the editor of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1889. On
January 11 Whitman received an invitation from
Stoddart through J. E. Wainer, one of his associates, to dine with Oscar Wilde
on January 14 (Clara Barrus, Whitman and
Burroughs—Comrades [Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931],