Thursday Evn'g
Dec: 13 '881
Well, dear friend, I have had another bad spell—perhaps the worst of
all—a violent whack at what nervous power I
had—but I am now up for a few moments & I write you to show you I can write—
I cannot medically describe the situation of the last four days but will ask
definitely from Dr Walsh2 here who comes every day—& I
like every thing except he gives me too much medicine—Ed3
is very faithful & watches me day & night—Not a word to me ab't
O'C4 rec'd5—I
suppose Horace Traubel6 sent to you four copies of the big book7
in common binding by Canadian Express to-day—unpaid this end—write me
what the freight & tariff—You ought to get them by Saturday 15th—I
shall look till I get word of their reception—
Of course I have a good deal to say but must defer it & get back to bed where I
have laid since Sunday last—extreme debility one thing—many points even
too disagreeable ab't—But I think I am beginning to approximate
Walt Whitman
I rec'd this8 f'm Kennedy9
—the "Solitude" MS is of course a fraud entire & have so written to K.10—(I never had any relations with Lowell11)
Cambridge. Mass
Dec. 13. '88
Dear Walt: W.
Did you ever write a production called "Solitude"? It is credited to you
by a pencil-script line in the Harvard College Library. I don't believe it is
yrs, but that it is an imitation.
It is unbound, about 2/3 the size of this sheet, contains 16 pp. & has
written on it in pencil "Presented [illegible]
Library by Prof. Jas. Russell Lowell, 1860. Sept 26." It is divided
into two sections, with running titles "Chamber," & "Street," & begins
"O! this everlasting contact with men; This agony of a continual presence."
I shd like to get yr written word on it.
W. S. K.
Richard Maurice Bucke (1837–1902) was a
Canadian physician and psychiatrist who grew close to Whitman after reading Leaves of Grass in 1867 (and later memorizing it) and
meeting the poet in Camden a decade later. Even before meeting Whitman, Bucke
claimed in 1872 that a reading of Leaves of Grass led him
to experience "cosmic consciousness" and an overwhelming sense of epiphany.
Bucke became the poet's first biographer with Walt
Whitman (Philadelphia: David McKay, 1883), and he later served as one
of his medical advisors and literary executors. For more on the relationship of
Bucke and Whitman, see Howard Nelson, "Bucke, Richard Maurice," Walt Whitman: An
Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1998).
- 1. This letter is addressed: Dr
R M Bucke | Asylum | London | Ontario | Canada. It is postmarked: C(?) | Dec
13(?) | 8 PM | 88. [back]
- 2. Dr. Walsh was the brother of
William S. Walsh (1854–1919), an American author and editor of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Richard Maurice Bucke
arranged to have him accompany Dr. William Osler to see Whitman, since Bucke
believed it would be useful to have a younger doctor examine the poet. See
Horace Traubel, With Walt Whitman in Camden, Wednesday, December 5, 1888. [back]
- 3. Edward "Ned" Wilkins
(1865–1936) was one of Whitman's nurses during his Camden years; he was
sent to Camden from London, Ontario, by Dr. Richard M. Bucke, and he began
caring for Whitman on November 5, 1888. He stayed for a year before returning to
Canada to attend the Ontario Veterinary School. Wilkins graduated on March 24,
1893, and then he returned to the United States to commence his practice in
Alexandria, Indiana. For more information, see Bert A. Thompson, "Edward
Wilkins: Male Nurse to Walt Whitman," Walt Whitman Review
15 (September 1969), 194–195. [back]
- 4. William Douglas O'Connor
(1832–1889) was the author of the grand and grandiloquent Whitman pamphlet
The Good Gray Poet: A Vindication, published in 1866.
For more on Whitman's relationship with O'Connor, see Deshae E. Lott, "O'Connor, William Douglas (1832–1889)," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]
- 5. Apparently Whitman had
forgotten the postcard O'Connor wrote on December
9th in which he said: "I have been very sick and feeble for a month
past, but am a little better. My eye got open at last, but is still bleary and
bad" (Horace Traubel, With Walt Whitman in Camden, Wednesday, December 12, 1888). [back]
- 6. Horace L. Traubel (1858–1919)
was an American essayist, poet, and magazine publisher. He is best remembered as
the literary executor, biographer, and self-fashioned "spirit child" of Walt
Whitman. During the late 1880s and until Whitman's death in 1892, Traubel visited
the poet virtually every day and took thorough notes of their conversations,
which he later transcribed and published in three large volumes entitled With Walt Whitman in Camden (1906, 1908, & 1914).
After his death, Traubel left behind enough manuscripts for six more volumes of
the series, the final two of which were published in 1996. For more on Traubel,
see Ed Folsom, "Traubel, Horace L. [1858–1919]," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]
- 7. Whitman often referred to Complete Poems & Prose (1888) as his "big book." The
volume was published by the poet himself in an arrangement with publisher David
McKay, who allowed Whitman to use the plates for both Leaves
of Grass and Specimen Days—in December
1888. With the help of Horace Traubel, Whitman made the presswork and binding
decisions, and Frederick Oldach bound the volume, which included a profile photo
of the poet on the title page. For more information on the book, see Ed Folsom,
Whitman Making Books/Books Making Whitman: A Catalog and
Commentary (University of Iowa: Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, 2005). [back]
- 8. Whitman wrote this
postscript on the back of the December 13, 1888, letter from Kennedy that
Whitman included as an enclosure with this letter. [back]
- 9. William Sloane Kennedy
(1850–1929) was on the staff of the Philadelphia American and the Boston Transcript; he also
published biographies of Longfellow, Holmes, and Whittier (Dictionary of American Biography [New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933], 336–337). Apparently Kennedy called on
the poet for the first time on November 21, 1880 (William Sloane Kennedy, Reminiscences of Walt Whitman [London: Alexander
Gardener, 1896], 1). Though Kennedy was to become a fierce defender of Whitman,
in his first published article he admitted reservations about the "coarse
indecencies of language" and protested that Whitman's ideal of democracy was
"too coarse and crude"; see The Californian, 3 (February
1881), 149–158. For more about Kennedy, see Katherine Reagan, "Kennedy, William Sloane (1850–1929)," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]
- 10. See the letter from Whitman
to Kennedy on December 18, 1888. [back]
- 11. James Russell Lowell
(1819–1891) was a poet, literary and social critic, abolitionist, editor,
Harvard professor, and diplomat (Brendan A. Rapple, "James Russell Lowell", American Travel Writers, 1850–1915 [Detroit: Gale,
1998], 247–254). [back]