Squirrel preserve
Cat meadow.
Oct 3. 89
Dear Old Quaker Friend
of the horse-taming sea kings
of Long Island:
My thorn first writes me a scrawl saying she had a pleasant call on you.
After receiving yr somewhat melancholy card saying that "they all came" in
on you, preachers & all, I felt rather sorry I asked her to go. But I'm
glad she did. She visits always in Philad. at house of her friend
Mrs. Leslie Miller.1 'Lel' the Husband2 runs a city school of design up
there near Girard College,3 or nearer the synagogue on Broad St. Well he used to be a
progressive man when young & in Boston, wore slouch hats, long hair & read Whitman. But he has grown
contemptibly conforming, conventional, since going to Philad, married, & 2 childn.
He drew those pictures of yr home for my book; but takes the blackguard view of you. My dame laid him out
flat after calling on you. She can do such things, is keen as steel. She writes me he will never mention
you again to her. He told me once (he is realy good fellow at heart) that he actually saw you in a livery stable,
several times!!! I wanted to ask him if that was not the place for an artistling to be occasionally, too, &
and if Rosa Bonheur4 &
Meissonier5 wd n't be apt
to be seen a great deal in stables.
When a poor librarian 'tother day thrust that gigantic snob R.G. White's6
pitiful parody7 of L of G. in my face &
thot he had floord me, he said he ahd heard that Edwin Arnold8 had been calling on you & tried again to like
L. of G. &— couldn't—aw!
please excuse clipping of Transcripts. I have to do it for my writings now.
William Sloane Kennedy
(1850–1929) was on the staff of the Philadelphia American and the Boston Transcript; he also
published biographies of Longfellow, Holmes, and Whittier (Dictionary of American Biography [New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933], 336–337). Apparently Kennedy called on
the poet for the first time on November 21, 1880 (William Sloane Kennedy, Reminiscences of Walt Whitman [London: Alexander
Gardener, 1896], 1). Though Kennedy was to become a fierce defender of Whitman,
in his first published article he admitted reservations about the "coarse
indecencies of language" and protested that Whitman's ideal of democracy was
"too coarse and crude"; see The Californian, 3 (February
1881), 149–158. For more about Kennedy, see Katherine Reagan, "Kennedy, William Sloane (1850–1929)," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998).
- 1. Little is known about Sarah
Maria Persons Miller (b. ca. 1845). She and her husband Leslie William Miller
(1848–1931) lived in Philadelphia. They had two children: Percy Chase
Miller and Arthur P. Miller. [back]
- 2. Leslie William Miller
(1848–1931) was born in Brattleboro, Vermont, and studied at the School of
the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Massachusetts College of Art. From 1880
until his retirement in 1920, Miller was principal of the Pennsylvania Museum
and School of Industrial Art in Philadelphia. He was a friend of the
Philadelphia painter Thomas Eakins, who painted his portrait in 1901. For more
information, see his obituary, "Dr. Leslie W. Miller Dies in Massachusetts," The Philadelphia Inquirer (March 8, 1931), 23. [back]
- 3. Girard College is a private
preparatory school located in Philadelphia and founded by French-born shipping
magnate Stephen Girard (1750–1831). Sometimes called the "father of
philanthropy," Girard was one of the wealthiest men in American history. The
college was founded after his death and continues to provide full scholarships
for students through his endowment. Its campus is roughly two miles from the
Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, now known as University of the
Arts. For more information, see George Wilson, Stephen Girard:
The Life And Times Of America's First Tycoon (Conshohocken: Combined
Books, 1995). [back]
- 4. Rosa Bonheur
(1822–1899) was a French Realist painter and sculptor. Her work often
features farm and barnyard animals, and Bonheur was well-known for wearing men's
clothing, which she attributed to her research in stables. In 1865, Bonheur
became the first woman to receive the Grand-croix of the French Légion
d'honneur. Bonheur was openly involved in two romantic relationships with women.
She and her first partner, Nathalie Micas (1824–1889), lived together for
over forty years until Micas's death. Bonheur was then romantically involved
with American painter Anna Elizabeth Klumpke (1856–1942). Bonheur, Micas,
and Klumpke are buried side-by-side in Paris's Père Lachaise Cemetery. For
more information, see Dore Asheton and Denise Browne Hare, Rosa Bonheur: A Life and a Legend (New York: Viking, 1981). [back]
- 5. Jean-Louis Ernest Meissonier
(1815–1891) was a French painter and sculptor known chiefly for his
depictions of military subjects on horseback. Meissonier intended to produce a
five-painting cycle depicting the career of Napoleon, only two of which were
completed, but they have become his most recognizable works: Campagne de France, 1814 (1864) and 1807,
Friedland (1861–1875). For more information, see Marc J. Gotlieb,
The Plight of Emulation: Ernest Meissonier and French
Salon Painting (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1996). [back]
- 6. Richard Grant White
(1822–1885) was a New York writer, journalist, and Shakespeare scholar.
White served as an editor with various papers, including the New York Courier and Enquirer and the New York
World. Interested in many fields, White published one novel, The Fate of Mansfield Humphries (1884), a philological
textbook Words and their Uses (1870), and a travel guide
England From Without and Within (1881). White also
edited the anthology, Poetry, Lyrical, Narrative and
Satirical, of the Civil War, that includes some of his parody and
satire poems. For more information, see Lamb's Biographical
Dictionary of the United States, Volume 7, ed. John Howard Brown
(Boston, MA: Federal Book Company, 1903), 572. [back]
- 7. [back]
- 8. Sir Edwin Arnold
(1832–1904) was an English poet and journalist. He visited Whitman in 1889
and in 1891. He documented his visit to Whitman in an article entitled "Sir Edwin Arnold and Whitman" that was published anonymously in The Springfield Republican on November 7, 1891. [back]