7.30 P.M. Just over from a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Contemporary Club. Members "delighted" at W.'s proposal. Matters concluded—meeting for 15th April. Effort to be made to have Dr. Furness and General Sherman come, to add to W.'s utterance. W. seemed gratified. "It is a sentiment with me, to keep this day sacred for Lincoln." And then—"No—it will not hurt me: I am nothing to brag of—but it is a great deal to get out of the monotony of this chair-life. We did not know—were doubtful—of the dinner last year, but all passed off well—better than well. You know, even if a fellow is badly battered he's not bound to parade his batterment—nor will I." And as to the essay itself—whether he would wish to touch it—"Very probably: there is always something. It is a short hour's delivery: the essay, piece, elastic—can be made more or less."