7.25 P.M. W. belowstairs, in the parlor. Said he had received the Review of Reviews today—Stead's—"and something was said there about an article written by Sarrazin, of Walt Whitman, in the Universal Review of February 15th. I don't know if it is the old article or some new one. If you can't find it in the Mercantile [Library], let us at any rate keep note of it, track it up—perhaps send abroad for it."
At the meeting at Dr. Brinton's last evening, there were present besides Brinton himself, Harned, Morris, Frank Williams, H. L. T. Considerable discussion: finally settled upon a dinner for 40 to 50, to include women, the nucleus of the list to be asked for from W. himself. Dinner to be in Philadelphia. I was appointed committee (with Harned) to solicit such a list. I now explained to W., who consented—would do it tomorrow. He supposed a list I would make up, "and the others," would "about include all the names"—yet he would "put them down explicitly." Expressed satisfaction that we had "avoided high-falutin' plans" &c.
My sister sent him an angel cake today "over which much joy was mine." Half expressed a hope of going to the church concert tonight (Unitarian)—"but no—I see it will not do."