7.25 P.M. Found that W. had been having rather a serious day of it. In his room, lying in bed—where he had been nearly all day. "Last night," he said, "was one of the most dreadful of nights—probably the dreadfulest I have ever spent; and this morning I had a chill—a rather severe one." No doctor—nor would he hear to my sending for one except upon worse developments. Voice very husky—chest choked—spoke with effort and coughed much. This cough had harassed him the night previous. Complained also that it affected his head. I did not stay long. Told him of a long letter I had had from Bucke, prospecting for a trip this way within a few weeks. W. interested—questioned me. Afterwards I consulted with Warren: instructed him to call Walsh in on the first sign of a worse turn and to send for me at any hour of day or night—at any time of a serious development. Hope tomorrow will show a return to comfort with W.