1.30 P.M. With W. but briefly—in his room. He reading Bruno. Spoke of his condition. "It is a persistent cold: and it leaves me very weak: I am hardly able to blow my nose." His face [?] paled. Warren says he is very weak—has almost to carry him to the bed and from it. Hard grating cough.
W. said he had looked over the Bruno book. "It much gratifies me: even to the way I appear there. It seems all wisely planned. I had no idea Dave could accomplish such good work: the book is worthy of him, of Brinton, of Bruno."
Dr. Furness has consented to speak with W. on the 15th. Furness nearly 88 years old. W. exclaimed: "Oh! what a wonderful sight! Such an age and still such activity!" And—"It is a hale continuance packed full of suggestiveness."