10.15 A.M. In at W.'s for about five minutes. Sat in his bedroom: W. just finished breakfast. Warren making bed &c. W. said, "I feel very well this morning—have made a good breakfast of fish." Adding, as I edged towards the door—"Give my love to any of the boys you meet: tell them I still sit here, confined but not unhappy."
Left with him Garland's letter—also copy of the Tennyson matter for him to print. Learned of Frank Williams' mention of the latter in America this week but have not seen it yet. Laughing interest expressed to me by some who learn the origin of the Transcript piece in W. himself, that he said there—"W.'s voice and Magnetism the same." But W. had said to me the day after the meeting: "I see I can hold a meeting as of old: I was not sure of it till I got there—till I had commenced."