Did not see W. today. An absurd article turned up in the North American—signed Fred Dayton—copyrighted by the American Press Association—using a drawing from one of the hatted pictures of W. for illustration, and not a bad sketch of the house. But the text ludicrously stupid when not vulgar.
Forgot to add to notes yesterday that W. in speaking of Philadelphia characteristics in literature, said: "And there's Bok came over—B-O-K—a fair sample—the Brooklyn man—one of the Jim Scovels in literature, absolutely characterless and irresponsible. And Philadelphia cleaves to him, too! He has gone with Curtis, there, with the Home Journal." Curtis, whom W. recalled as one of the objectors to Ingersoll's presence at the dinner. This leading W. to say of Ingersoll: "All we hear of him as a man is tuned to a clear key: I have no doubt he is a man pure and strong—with eminent qualitites of heart—demonstrated in his family and outside: one of the men we look to for futures—for America to thrive by."