7.15 P.M. Only in for a look at W., whom I found in the parlor, with hat and coat on, and a blanket superadded by Mrs. Davis.
Left with him Bucke's proof, received from B. today with a number of changes. W. wished to look it over—would return to me in the morning. Did not think "anything could in its way beat the statement the Doctor has put there."
Curious when he learned I was on my way to Philadelphia to hear Von Bulow play. "So that is the famous Von Bulow I have heard of these 30 or 40 years almost?" He had an impression somehow that Von B. though "sufficiently alive to technique" was yet not under bonds to it: that he gave much for expression—"in a sense is lawless"—and this impression had excited in him respect.
"Had a good outing today," he reported—"weather so mild—the sky, even in its cloudiness, so gentle and serene." Said he looked forward with pleasure to Bucke's visit "now so near."
Has not made our list yet. A difficult pull!