5.20 P.M. W. in the parlor with Bucke, whom I found animatedly talked to by the printer Curtz: Curtz descanting on the history of American brands of pills. Bucke much amused. W. paying no attention—looking out the window, questioning and talking to me—except at one point when Curtz recited a pill poem, W. exclaimed—"Oh yes! that beats Leaves of Grass all out!" Just returned from a drive with Bucke. "We have been out to see my lot. Doctor likes it very much—but says he has a far better scheme of his own: another place where he thinks I ought to be buried." Which I found out afterwards, to be a grave on some knoll near W.'s native place, with no monument but a big granite boulder.
W. had told Bucke while on the road, that he designed a cottage somewhere out of the city, but near it. Only "nebulous," however. Spoke to me again of Thoreau. Only there briefly. Then away with Bucke, who thinks him somewhat improved. To meet B. again at W.'s (to go to the Club) at 7.30. Bucke staying with Harned.
Evening, 7.30. To W.'s just in time to see Warren helping him in from his chair. Bucke says, while supping at Harned's, a ring at the door apprised them, on opening, that W. was there. They then went down together. We went into the parlor: with us, a Miss Cline of Westmont, who brought W. a bag of bananas. W. talked with us freely—speaking of "Execrable names of towns," &c.—mentioning New York State's—then of "Glendale, Rosemont, Rosedale and the like—thousands of them—glens this and that—of the least consequential order." Thought we "secured no benefit by a desertion of Indian names."
Not feeling any the worse for the much outing. Threw up the window and put his hat on. His "Lincoln" not yet touched—"nor like to be," he says. Either feels or plays to feel much chagrined over Gilder's note.
With Bucke to the Contemporary Club; after the adjournment of which, Morris, Williams, Brinton, Bucke, Harned, Harry Walsh and H. L. T. went on to Boothby's, where we had our discussion and arrangement of the dinner. Decided to hold it at Reisser's (Phila. 5th St. between Market and Chestnut)—$3.00 a head.
Made up a list of guests; H. L. T. made secretary—Brinton to see caterer. To be held at 6 P.M.—our list including 25 or so; to be extended if need be or thoughts of new names arise.
Bucke gave some examination to W. again. Says though W. is comfortable—perhaps rallying some—that his pulse is unusually poor. But thinks he will easily be able to get to the dinner next week.
Lezinsky has gone west—W. expected the coach to stop but it continues.