5.30 P.M. W. in his room. I took him up the Item and the Courier from the front door. "I hope the Item is not left for the Post," he said, "I should not so much mind if for the Courier." Looking through it—met the word "cinch"—speaking of it as "new" and wondering what it meant.
I read him Joe Gilder's letter. He laughed over it very much, but said, "My answer to it would be my answer to the telegraph boy—there is no answer." Thought the matter best dropped—cared nothing about it. Should I answer? I should do as I chose—he had nothing to say. As to anybody's interposing between him and his mail—that was "absurd"—"there is a clear road to me," he said.
Returned me Harper's—also, looking at [Harper's] Young People I had with me, remarked the "beauty" of several of Hamilton Gibson's pictures.