5:25 P.M. "Not the least of my blessings," said W. on my entrance to his bedroom, where he sat reading, "is this northwest breeze, which has been blowing in my window all the day long," and he added, "Last night we went down to the river, and found all your prophecies fulfilled: a fine breeze, southwest, sometimes warm, but pleasant and sweet. We stayed quite an hour. The river was rich in boats—I have rarely seen it more so."
Left with him Harper's Weekly in which a large oblong supplement, displaying comparative views: London 200 years ago and now. W. said, "It is altogether interesting. Perhaps not the least interesting portion the shipping here in the harbor."
I had a letter from Morse today in which he stated Samuel Johnson as once saying laughing to him, he'd as lief invite a man to cut his throat as to cut his articles down. W. much amused and then saying, "I suppose it is hard for writers to put themselves in editors' shoes, or publishers'. Probably in nine cases out of ten, cutting down betters a piece. 'Razeed' they would call it in naval parlance. The New York Herald seems to have very set principles of the sort, particularly on its editorial page; some of them very curious, I should say." This led to some reference to Hartmann, as having been last heard from in the famous Herald column. W. thought "he has dropped out of sight, poor boy! I wonder where to?"
Gave me mail for the Post Office: papers for Ed Wilkins, Mrs. Costelloe, Ingram (in Oregon), postals for Dr. Bucke and for his sister in New England.