5:10 P.M. W. had just finished his dinner. His work comes in worse confusion than usual, if possible. Had "been on a search." His chair turned east (usually west). But he was in no good condition: "Had a bad turn again." Mrs. Davis speaks of the extension of his catarrh—his constant cough—then of the decreased appetite. She thinks he is thinner, but Warren contends not. Warren says that in early mornings the flesh is pale—often bluish—and so in the evening before rubbed. Both say he is very much weaker, and speak of his greater inclination to admit the weight of his burden. He is very impatient "to get the book into type," as he says, always showing such impatience when he thinks there is danger of his own collapse. Now he can hardly wait for proofs. "Ah! there will come an end—perhaps soon!" And, when we rally him "You are not dead yet, he responds, "We die very quickly round here nowadays"—alluding to the many deaths of prominent men. I received letter from Lippincott's today: Philadelphia, Feb 23, 1891 Dear Sir Enclosed find list of names to which copies of Lippincott's for March have been sent. The Foreign list will be forwarded as requested, but the list itself was sent to London. Ten copies will also be sent to you, and the 5 copies sent to Dr. Bucke will cost you $1.00. Lippincott's Magazine Read it to W., who asked me, "Well, how do you interpret it—that they have all gone? I am glad. But where are our copies?" Myrick had doubts whether he could give us all the poems in one lick. W. insists, "I want them no other way—they won't do me the least good." I consulted with Ferguson himself, who promised to see if it could not be done. W. satisfied at this. But says, "I sit here and think of the types—they must abet me promptly now." Does he feel a collapse impending? Urged me, too, "Send Conservators to all the fellows—the Dutch piece deserves to be read, known: it has merits entirely apart from me as an individual." Gave him Bucke's letter of 21st, received this forenoon. He read but was "in no condition either to assent or dissent." 21 Feb 1891 My dear Horace Your note of 18th saying that W. had rallied again was a great relief to me last evening. Glad to hear too that you were to get to work on W.'s vol. so soon. The pub[licatio]n of this vol. (the end of W.'s life work) will be a perfect occasion for the contemplated vol. of W.W.'s essays, and it is my opinion that we should rattle it up. If W.'s volume comes out (as I suppose it will) before 31 May it would be a great scheme to have our vol. come out that day—but perhaps that would be impossible? I send you a suggestion for a title-leaf, and my idea would be to number the essays and not name them. And select a motto (or mottoes) for each essay—printing somewhat in the style of the enclosed printed leaves. Give me your views on these points when you have time, and when you think we could get our vol. to press. I take it for granted that you can easily find men down your way to do the Danish and German translating (?) Always affectionately RM Bucke I spoke of Academy reception tonight. Wished to see the Eakins picture. W.: "Yes, do—come, then, and tell me about it. It will be a rare hour for you."