7:45 P.M. In at W. 's only a few minutes. Left with him letter as follows I had from Trautwine today: 3301 Haverford St., Philadelphia March 8th, 1891 Dear Sir: After Mr. Salter's lecture today (which I enjoyed greatly) I went to Broad St. station and was agreeably surprised to find the news-stand open. I got a Lippincott, and was a little dismayed to find my rather disparaging remarks quoted, until I noticed that through a happy accident they have been put down as from a letter TO me, instead of FROM me. My wife has ventured, on the strength of it, to write to the old man, and I enclose her letter herewith, asking if you will kindly hand it to him. In it she asks for the privilege of calling upon him some day with me. We should both esteem this a great pleasure, provided it does not tax him too severely; and we can show him photographs of his very ardent admirer, Mr. Harrison. Yours truly John C. Trautwine Jr. It confirms my own and Williams' idea of the footnote. Mrs. Trautwine says in her note to W. that some letter more definitely setting forth Harrison's views of W. had been sent by them from Europe. But it never came to us. She does not say in whose charge it was put.
I heard from Wallace again today.
Met Bisbee, Universalist minister, at Contemporary Club. Congratulated me on Lippincott's article. "It has given me the best idea, so far, of the old man, and I have always wanted it." Then went on to say that about ten years ago he was one of a committee of five deputed to select books for a town library in Spencer, Mass.; that "Leaves of Grass" was bought with others but the Committee objected to its reception, Bisbee alone taking issue; that he then bought the book from the town and has it in his possession still.
Boyle talked of W.'s tomb. His idea would be, he said, "simply to have a rough boulder with a bronze leaf somewhere carelessly disposed."
W. had no proofs ready today. But would "tomorrow, certainly." Had not "felt up to it."