8:00 P.M. W. reading papers—sitting near the bed. Did not look very bright. How had the day been? "Bad—bad—bad: the demon hawk has struck his talons in." Then, immediately, "What a nice girl that was you brought to me last night! She is a new edition of Mrs. Gilchrist! Oh! I enjoyed her visit—and did she?" And again, "What is she in America for? I could not quite get the notion of it last night."
I left photo with Grosscup and West this afternoon. If there are clear days, hope to get proof of plate Tuesday. W. satisfied, "I hope all will go well with it, but it is a trial—that is all—no more. And all we can do is to wait for what may come of it." Said, "I had a short note from Doctor of no significance—except that he is well." How about wine—did he wish more of it? "I took nearly all that one bottle—it was good—yet it seemed to affect my bladder and I thought it best to stop—at least till I had asked Longaker." Renewed talk of printing of the book, which "more and more satisfies our best expectations."