8:45 P.M. Detained—could not get to W.'s till late. He had not undressed. I found him on his bed fast asleep—on his right side—curled together—looked like a babe—hand under his cheek—a steady breath—light low—cane at his side—fire burning lazily (the last ashes of a log in the stove). He did not awake on my silent entrance. I stood several minutes in the middle of the floor—gazed at him, the room (oh! the solemn strange associations!)—some papers on the bed near him—several sheets folded across the right arm of the big chair—an odd end of manuscript almost under his left hand, which rested lightly on the counterpane—subtle signs (which long, attentive coming enable me to read) of the work he had fragmented through the day. I cannot say why—but repose, reverence, almost awe, filled me—and a far deep peace—and something to withdraw me from myself—and so I slid quietly out—closed the door noiselessly—not bearing to disturb him from a slumber so profound, though there were things we should have talked about.
Warren told me he had seemed about the same in health though on his bed most of the day. Someone (a publisher) whom W. would not see came yesterday to propose to take W. to the shore and pay his board for a week—a curious and of course rejected notion. Warrie tells me; W. so far has forgotten to refer to it.
I arranged to meet Frank Williams and Morris at the former's rooms (Drexel Building) tomorrow, 4:15, to talk over dinner. Wrote Brinton to join us there. In to see Stoddart, but missed him. Brown promises to give me copies of "November Boughs" by Monday evening. Ordered pictures of Billstein—1050. Wrote to Gilder, Morse and Kennedy, asking for letters for 31st.
Got rough figures from Ferguson showing his total bill for both books about $190, to which incidentals (frontispiece) would add about $10:
Compn. Good-Bye 106.39
Paper NB 25.60
Printing 15.00
190. 39