Left Camden at seven—morning—took breakfast in Broad Street station—train 8:20. Dinner at Scranton—supper on train, about at Dansville—reaching Niagara Falls towards ten. No look at the Falls, the night clouded and dark. We all strolled out a bit, but found it advisable to retire shortly. Stayed at Cataract House (American side). Whole ride up fine—country just out—green, freshness, everywhere. Up in the mountains hard rain—driving from northeast. Splendid panorama at Dansville and about—the valleyed town, the road skirting the cliffs. A rare easy ride, in parlor car. Doctor and Anne complaining nowise. Met a clergyman who had tables fixed—his work with him—Bible, tracts, hymnbooks, etc. By and by warming to us and volunteering to talk stocks. Bucke read Ingersoll's "Is Avarice Triumphant?" with great enjoyment. Anne read "The Ghost."