More papers from W. and a postal to Doctor—word very good—favorable. Warrie writes me an interesting letter:
Camden June 9th/'91
Dear Horace
I was much pleased to receive yours of the 9th. And also to hear that you and your wife were enjoying yourselves. Walt came down stairs tonight for about two hours. Cannot persuade him to venture out though, upon the whole he has been much the same as when you left. He misses your not coming in of an eve. as indeed we all do, but otherwise everything is much the same. He is drinking his wine that the Dr. left along with his meals, does not say if it does him any good or not. Dr. L[ongaker] was over yesterday said that Walt was fairly. Must stop now and give him his massage, will finish when through. Just finished 10.10 and he appeared to be in pretty good spirits. I gave him your letter to read and he was glad to hear that you expected to be home by Sunday morning. He goes to bed at nine (9) sharp now. And lays until half past ten or quarter to eleven. Two morn's last week he laid until after eleven. I open his windows about half past eight or quarter to nine and about 10.30 finding him around. Moore was in Saturday, he said that they expected to have things looking ship shape and bristol fashion the last of this week. I do not think that it would pay Horace to come to Canada expressively to test their whiskey. Although I use to be a pretty good judge (off Cape Horn). At present we are sampling Donaldson's bottle, Walt and I. Walt pronounces it not good, not bad, but supposes that beggars must not be choosers. We have had middling cool weather here, but today it has been quite warm and Walt appears to have stood it all right. If there should be any change I will let you know at once by telegram. I wanted to get Walt down to Lincoln Park.
He thinks that it would do him good, but does not appear to want to make the attempt. Mama wishes to be remembered to you & Ann T. and Dr. and hopes that you will have an enjoyable trip home again, home sweet home she says even if it is humble. By the way have you seen Ed and how is he getting along give him my regards if you see him. Hoping to hear from you whenever convenient I remain
Most Respectively Yours
P.S. Going through the wards must be interesting especially the women's. I suppose that some of them are quite violent.
Just received a letter from Dr. B. Walt just up a little earlier this A.M. of 10th. Wished me to make the bed up soon, so from that he does not feel so well.
Storm—with thunder first, then hail—today—clearing off in the evening to a smile.
Finished draft of the Lippincott's report. Makes much too much. Now to study, cut down. W. admonishes me, "Print all the letters in full—but if you can't all, then Symonds' and Conway's, anyway."