5:55 P.M. W. writing postal "to the Lancashire boys," as he said. I urged, "Go on—don't let me interrupt you." "I won't—read this in the meantime," throwing out a letter from Bucke.
He had also made up Lippincott's slips to send to Stead. Has started to make out a list to whom Stoddart will send magazines. W. "very happy to find Doctor has his Lippincott's sheets at last"—had been curiously delayed on the road. W. wondered, "Couldn't Kennedy's letter be printed in your paper? I can see you were right not to use it in the Lippincott's conversation. I doubt if Stoddart would have let it go through—it was not in the best order to go there—yet strong in itself, too. Conway is quite a fellow—I had no idea he could write to such effect—with such pith. But that letter goes a great way to establish him."
Left Scribner's with him. He was much drawn to a picture by Teniers, engraved for the Bazar: "The Village Doctor." Lathrop has become a Catholic. I am reading his explanation in the Christian Register. W. says, "It is a singular turn, taken by such a man—not explicable, of course, by ordinary logic—by, probably, anything you or I could see."