Did not see W. Went with Longaker and Reeder for a walk—15 miles—far as Media—taking tea at Dr. Peirce's, where Anne had preceded us by train. Peirce has a fine stone house there, things about it being in a fine state of cultivation. A noble photo of Parker given him by Parker himself. Arranged with him for an interview on Parker—to write it up. Day perfect—balmy—roads good. Ran one stretch of about 1 1/4 miles on soft soil: delicious—the active life of the moment—the yielding earth. Favorable sky and soil. Coats off—sleeves rolled up—making the road across Darby and Crum Creek sturdily—happily. Best talk by the way.
Asked Longaker "What about Whitman?" "He is in as good condition as he was." "No fall?" "None—he may live ten years yet." "Do you think he will?" "I wouldn't say that." "Is it desirable he should?" Longaker shook his head. "Hard to answer. Hardly, I should say. It'll only be to go from bad to worse." Longaker wants to send some photos to Johnston—the interiors taken by Reeder at 328.