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Walt Whitman to George William Curtis, 28 April [1872]

My dear Mr. Curtis,

Thanks for your kind contribution & note.1 The help I seek is for Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro—he has paralysis—& has had a miserable winter, cold & hungry—(I have myself been absent great part of the winter)—But he is now up & comparatively better—your kind $5 will truly aid in ameliorating his condition—

Walt Whitman

George William Curtis (1824–1892), author and editor of Harper's Magazine, was a New England writer and orator who had been a neighbor of Ralph Waldo Emerson for some time in the 1840s.


  • 1. On April 26, 1872, Whitman inserted an appeal in the Washington Daily Morning Chronicle for "pecuniary assistance for a man of genius" (see the letter from Whitman to Samuel Ward of April 26, 1872). This person was Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro (1808–1886), an Irish-born journalist, actor, State Department translator, and lecturer (Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts, ed. Edward F. Grier [New York: New York University Press, 1984], 2:901). [back]
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