Many of the high officers of Government are at present sojourning among us; three of the President's Cabinet are here, and it is expected that the President1 himself will arrive in the course of a week. By good rights New York should be the proper place for all these functionaries to reside, in their official capacity. It is, in reality more central than Washington, and every way more convenient. A second rate city is liable to objections, as the seat of Government; but a large and first class city is not—indeed it is the proper place.
Main street, Brooklyn, was the scene of a disastrous conflagration this morning. Fifteen houses were burnt—several of them used as stores. Much personal property was destroyed, besides; and the loss can hardly have been less than $50,000.
There is a "grand mass meeting" of the Free Soilers2 at Abingdon Square, this evening. John Van Buren3 is to hold forth. So it seems he has had to take his coat off again, and mount the platform.
Thus far the yellow fever4 has not made its appearance, if the physicians can be believed, in New York, although existing for a fortnight past at Staten Island. Intercourse is debarred between the city and Quarantine. The occasion is seized to try the virtues of a new and powerful disenfectant, prepared by a gentleman engaged in an office in the Navy Department here. Certain medical personages speak of it as remarkably superior to "any thing out"—as better than chlorine, and not at all injurious to the lungs. "Forewarned, forearmed," is the motto that ought to keep off contagious diseases. We shall see how it acts in this case. I find it altogether impossible to convince folks that the yellow fever is not contagious, like small pox. Should we get the malady prevalent, some of your New Orleans doctors would come very acceptable here. I believe you have some of the best in the world. By the way, how comes on your University? Don't let the New Orleanois be discouraged at any difficulties in the way of establishing a school so worthy their great city, and so necessary in the South-west.
We don't hear any thing more of that "Buffalo Hunt on the Rio Grande."5 Is it given up? A thousand adventurous spirits here hope not. The President, it is true, per the Washington Union, talks dignifiedly about observing our "obligations of treaties toward Mexico." Well, let him—as far as concerns him. But if there be a real disposition, in earnest, to go on this hunt, and three thousand tough fellows could be got together for the purpose, with American officers, I should say, "go it;" and it seems difficult to imagine how Mr. Polk could stop 'em. However, there may be something about the move, which you in New Orleans understand better than we do here. One thing there can be no mistake about; that the timid, malignant, idle and shiftless Mexican population south of us, must give way, sooner or later, to Anglo-Saxon energy and selfishness—for we have about as much of the last as the first.
The weather here is hot—no rain for a long time—gutters abominable—omnibus horses sad and drooping—butter dear and scarce—politics waxing fiercer and fiercer—decapitations of office-holding Barnburners6 begun, and doubtless to be continued actively.