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Immortality was realized—it ^the influence of the
the thought of it entereding
into the positive acts of the people citizens
every day; —It livinges yet sending to us in its tangible bequest to modern ages—it rebukes
it and lookings with calm features and
rugged quaintness ^to day from the slopes
out of the pyramids.—Personal qualities
were accepted and obeyed:—as (When
are they not accepted and obeyed?—)
Through them ? Sesostris more than three thousand
years ago ruled Egypt for sixty years more than
three score years.—He was six feet
ten inches high and nobly proportioned
and supple.—He was considerate of the common people.— He conquered Asia
and Europe, honoring most those
people that resisted him most.—
He was a rugged, and wholesome
and masc and masculine person,
and ^in the list of Egyptian greatness comes first in th after Osiris.—
Not only Assyria and Egypt—
—not only Phœnicia and Lydia and
Persia and Media and India——had their
literature, growing out of the nature
and circumstances ^and governments and enjoyments of
the people, with ^mor or less specimens, of course
^long since lost of the grandests and most perfect
forms of composition ^expression——but ^the men and women other nation
other empires and states, other mighty
and populous cities, contemporary was
with them in other parts of the world,
or ^ages antecedent of them, perhaps it may be in
distant regions of the eastern continent
hemisphere, perhaps or it may be in North or
South America, had their loves and
passions and prides and aspirations
also typified and put in shape
and held.—in compositions.— Language was systematic
and ^passed on from age one generation to another in methods fit for answering to what was
needed.— These other nations unknown empires
and cities, ^and their literatures are unknown by name existed just as certainly
and with the known ones, and with perhaps most like
a date yet they certainly existed ^in greater vigor and fluency than the known ones.
Travelers in every age ^and in all parts of the world come upon
their dumb and puzzling relics.—