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Neibelungen-leid Song of Neibelingen
author unknown it is objective, like the Iliad
Song of the
Probably composed dates back to about the 6th of 7th century
but the date when it was written as now, is the 13th century
Carlyle supposes it to be about the third
reduction (digestion) from its primitive form
^out of myths, poems acts, traditions, or what not.—
- Siegfried—the hero, a warrior, king, full of
courage—the usual type‑hero,
as seen, duly followed, in all
modern novels and plays.
- Chriemheld—a beautiful princess, sister
of three kingly brothers, of Worms,
in time Siegfrieds wife
- Gunther, the principal of the three brothers
- Brumhilde, a brave, vindictive, relentless
woman—Gunthers wife
- Hagen, a brave warrior
- Etzel (king of Hun‑land
Chriemhilde's second
husband) supposed to be the
historic Attila died
In their present shape these poems
Heldenbuch, and Neibelungen, cannot
be older than the twelfth century.—
The poet himself is unknown—he
probably made up the poem in the
thirteenth century.—