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James Speed to William H. Seward, 14 August 1865
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Attorney General's Office.
August 14, 1865.
To the
Secretary of State.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 19th July, 1865, with a copy of the dispatch of Mr. Charles Francis Adams.
In regard to the inquiries of the Messrs. Lockwood, I can only answer them, as I do all others who apply to me. The Proclamation of the President is a part of the
law of the land, and open to the construction of all. When the fact of any particular case or cases are presented, I can say whether I will recommend them to mercy or not. But I can not, & I think ought not, to say whether they are or not within the excepted classes.
I have the honor to be,
Respectfully yours, &c.
James Speed
Attorney General.