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- nar.00052
James Speed to J. K. Goodloe, 24 August 1865
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Attorney General's Office,
August 24, 1865
J. K. Goodloe, Esq.
Dist. Atty for Eastern Dist. La.
Louisville, Ky.
My clerk sent your Commission to you on yesterday, and I requested him to say to you that I would write as soon as I had time.
I understand that there will be no court at New Orleans till Nov'r. I do not see that it will be necessary for you to be in Orleans till early October, unless it suits your convenience to go. I have granted a leave of absence to the Marshal, Mr. Bullitt. Should it be necessary for you to be there earlier I will advise you.
Herewith you will find papers pertaining to your office.
As soon as you reach N. Orleans I hope that the matter of the Jackson and Opelousas Railroad Company will be looked after. The whole matter of that Road, and the proceedings, if any, are referred to the law, in your discretion & judgment.
The papers in the case of Mr. Holbrook are also referred to your discretion, with this comment, that Mr. Holbrook has made a favorable impression on me as to his future course.
I am, sir,
Most respectfully, &c
James Speed
Attorney General.
[Papers Enc.]